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First enter the registration page to be able to register in Web Site.
  1. After going to registration page, first choose a username for yourself. Click “check availability” to make sure your user name was not taken before. If your username has been chosen before, you should choose another username.
  2. In order to enter the site and edit your information, you need to choose a password. Remember your password must have between 6 and 12 characters.
  3. You must renter password another time to make sure it is correct.
  4. Finally, you should write a valid e-mail to receive the confirmation of your registration.
  5. After fulfilling all the above stages, the confirmation of the registration will be sent to you at your e-mail address.
  6. There is a link in the e-mail from If you click on the link, your Username and Password will be active and you can enter the site in order to fill out the registration forms.
  7. You have to complete the first registration form with your main information and the contact details.
  8. After completing the first form, you have to fill out the second one with information on your company’s activities.
  9. You can complete different profiles for your different business activities and have a separate profile for each of your activities.
  10. After the two above mentioned forms have been completed by you, your information will be sent to Site Management Section to be approved by Site Manager.
  11. It takes between 24 and 48 hours for your completed information to be approved by Site Management. After Manager’s approval, your full information can be seen by the members and some of your information will be displayed for normal site visitors.
  12. If your information has been changed or need to be corrected, you can edit your information in Edit Section.
  13. If you have any further information or questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Support Section of the site at

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New Members: ● InnovaGroup   ● HONG FU DA INDUSTRY CO.,LTD   ● SUNALIS KAGIT REKLAM SAN DIS TIC LTD STI   ● interpel   ● Natty Wood Works & Investment Ltd